
Build relationships, strengthen your faith, and have fun with these events hosted by Calvary.

  • Discover Calvary Membership Class

    Saturday, February 1 | 9am-1pm

    Are you ready to learn more about what makes Calvary unique? Whether you've been here for years or are just discovering our community, Discover Calvary is the perfect opportunity to explore our DNA, culture, and mission. Join us as we dive deeper into who we are and how you can be part of what God is doing at Calvary!

    To register, contact the church office:

  • Women's Gathering

    Friday, APril 4  |  6-9pm

    Saturday, April 5  |  8:45-11:30am

    Join women of all ages and stages for a refreshing gathering featuring impactful teaching + authentic community. The evening will include dinner, Calvary's Praise Band, video led teaching, conversation with a small group of women. Saturday morning we will meet in the Coffee Center to continue the conversation.

    Register on REALM

    Contact Annie Van Goor with questions or to register



    7:55-8:45am  |  Traditional Worship

    9:30-10:30am  |  Modern Worship & Live-Stream

    10:30-11:30am  |  Something More Growth Group

    11am-12pm  |  Modern Worship

    11am-12pm  |  Youth & Family Ministry Programming

    12:30pm-2:30pm  |  Confirmation Class  |  8th & 9th Grade 

    3-5pm  |  Women's Celebrate Recovery

    6:30-7:30pm  |  Al Anon Meeting

    6:30-8pm  |  Club 3:16  |  Senior High School Youth Group


    11am-12pm  |  Senior Faith & Fitness

    9am-2pm  |  Creative Co-Op Preschool

    7-8pm  |  Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting


    9am-1pm  |  Calvary Lighthouse Distribution & Donations

    9-11am  |  Creative Co-Op Preschool

    9:15-11:30am  |  Staff Meeting

    10-11am  |  Alcoholics Anonymous Women's Meeting

    6:30-8:30pm  |  Celebrate Recovery Step Program

    6pm  |  Scout Pack 163

    7pm  |  Scout Troop 189


    9am-2pm  |  Calvary Lighthouse Donations

    9am-2pm  |  Creative Co-Op Preschool

    10-11am  |  Wednesday Morning Bible Study

    11am-12pm  |  Senior Faith & Fitness

    6:30-7pm  |  Mid-Week Meet-Up

    7-8:30pm  |  Co-Dependents Anonymous Meeting


    9am-1pm  |  Calvary Lighthouse Distribution & Donations

    9am-2pm  |  Creative Co-Op Preschool

    9:30-11am  |  Baldwin Center Sandwich Making

    10-11am  |  Alcoholics Anonymous Women's Meeting

    1-2pm  |  Staff Prayer

    4:30-5:30pm  |  Accent Pontiac Meal Prep

    6-7:30pm  |  DivorceCare

    7-8pm  |  Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting

    7-9pm  |  Celebrate Recovery

    7-10pm  |  Praise Band Rehearsal


    9-11am  |  Creative Co-Op Preschool

    11am-12pm  |  Senior Faith & Fitness


    9:30am-12:30pm  |  Girl Scouts

    10-11am  |  Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting


    Sunday Worship

    6805 Bluegrass Drive, Clarkston, MI

    Sundays  |  7:55, 9:30, & 11:00am

    We share three worship services each Sunday. At 7:55am, there is an opportunity for a traditional worship service. At 9:30am and 11:00am, these are more modern worship services to include our Praise Band. We hope you can join us for worship soon and that you invite a friend too!

    Sunday Live-Streamed Worship

    Sundays  |  9:30am

    Every Sunday, we share a live-streamed worship service through our YouTube channel. You can be watch live at 9:30am or replayed anytime after for your convenience. Our worship services include engaging music and meaningful sermons. The live-streamed services are also an easy way for you to share your faith with family and friends!